Monday 4 October 2010

DITA Session 2 Review

Today's lecture discussed "The Internet and the World Wide Web". 

A network links computers together.
Types of networks are:
  • LAN - Local Area Network which works within a building
  • WAN - Wide Area Network which workes between different buildings
  • Internet - a vast network of networks
    • examples - telephones, cable, satellite
    • allows computers to connect across the globe and it is a building block for the WWW
    • It's based on a design by the US Military in the 1960s during the Cold War Era
    • Allows access to files remotely

  • telnet - allows access to another PC
  • ftp - allows uploading of files
Domain Name System - DNS Space
  • generic - .com, .org, .gob
  • national - .ac, .uk
Disruptive Technology
The Internet disturbs the way that people work.
  • publishing -- today's society believes that they can find out anything they need to know on the Internet.
  • music -- many people don't see the purpose in going into a brick and mortar store and buying a tangible cd when you can download the album electronically.
  • software development -- there are many open share software sites
Client/Server Model
  • server - detects messages, sends resources
  • client - sends requests, interprets responses
URL - Universal Resource Locator

http:// (protocol) (dns name of server)
/cs/conditions/conditionsofuse.html (local path in relation to server folder)

  • browser acts as client
  • sends a request to computer with specified address
  • asks for a particular document
  • server constantly running http "daemon"
    • program that awaits a program to connect to it
    • processes requests and sends digital document to browser
  • client interprets and displays it
  • server may respond to thousands of requests per second
So today I created several web pages and added links and images.  It was pretty simple for me because I'd learned html a few years ago.  In 2006 I created a web page for the art business that my mom and I have.  I took an online beginning html course and learned the basics.  The web address is  It's not very good, but I was proud at the time.

We published our pages to the school's server so that we can access them on the web.

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